The World Famous Beaverpedia is here!

The World Famous Beaverpedia is here!View it on Amazon

Welcome to the Leave it to Beaver Books website. In the coming weeks, you will be able to find even more information about your favorite LITB topics than you can read about in The World Famous Beaverpedia! There was just too much info and too few pages. For an almost 500 page book, that’s hard to believe, right? You will also be able to find some quotes from interviews done with actors and actresses from the show that were not mentioned in the pages of The World Famous Beaverpedia!

ALSO – win free Leave it to Beaver prizes right here.

The rules are simple.

1. Sign up for this once a month newsletter (plus the occasional special announcement)

2. After every 100th Amazon sale of The World Famous Beaverpedia! I will give you, the fans, a free Leave it to Beaver prize.

3. While not necessary to win, I would love for you to buy the book, share the link, or just add it to your Amazon Wish List, adding it to your list, helps its ranking.

Click here to see a full size image of the book cover.

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