The “Where is Mayfield?” Quiz

Thank you for visiting! I’ve decided to add all new LITB quizzes to the The World Famous Beaverpedia website. The almost 500 page book is now available on Amazon. Please sign up for my monthly LITB newsletter and you will be eligible to win a free Leave it to Beaver gift after every 100th sale of The World Famous Beaverpedia.

Are you ready for this quiz? If you find this one too difficult or aren’t happy with your results, there should be more quizzes here quite soon. I’ll let you know about them on your favorite LITB Facebook group when they are created. When you’re finished with this quiz, great results, mediocre, or otherwise, please share your results with everyone in the Facebook group. I’m sure everyone would like to see how you have done.

One thing you will gather from some of the questions and answers here is that in the specific episodes mentioned, Mayfield cannot be located in a certain state (at least in that episode).

But, before you begin this quiz… please check out what one actress from Leave it to Beaver says is “the best book ever written on Leave it to Beaver…” It’s nearly 500 pages and in addition to including everything you ever thought you’d want to know about the show, it also includes biographies of every actor to ever appear in its 234 episodes. You can see it by clicking here.


Thank you for taking the Leave it to Beaver “Where is Mayfield?” Quiz. It was difficult, but you did swell.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

“Brian Humek has written THE perfect book about the characters, the actors, the episodes, behind the scenes and so much more. I have learned a lot of interesting things from The World Famous Beaverpedia.” – Tamara T.

Thank you for taking the Leave it to Beaver “Where is Mayfield?” Quiz. This was one of the more difficult quizzes here.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

“Brian Humek has written THE perfect book about the characters, the actors, the episodes, behind the scenes and so much more. I have learned a lot of interesting things from The World Famous Beaverpedia.” – Tamara T. (Amazon buyer)

#1. What type of weather is never seen in an episode of Leave it to Beaver?

#2. In which episode does Ward tell June that they live 20 miles from the ocean?

#3. In season two, the Cleaver address is seen written down in which pair of episodes shown here?

#4. In "Wally's Present," he receives a gift from his Uncle Tom who lives in which state?

#5. In "The Tooth," Beaver tells the dentist office receptionist that the Cleavers have moved to ______. This would mean they do not live in this state (at least in this episode).

#6. Show co-creator Bob Mosher grew up in what area of New York City? (Those of you who have bought The World Famous Beaverpeida should not miss this question)

#7. In more than a few episodes, Ward mentions childhood memories of his growing up in what city?

#8. In "The Mustache," Eddie says he may spend spring break in which two western states? (meaning in this episode, Mayfield is in neither of them)

#9. In "Box Office Attraction," June wishes Marlene's parents lived in someplace like ________. (meaning in this episode, the Cleavers do not live in this state as it is unlikely she would talk about their own state in the third person).

#10. In "Lumpy's Car Trouble," Beaver mentions that he will probably drive to Bellport via ___________ (meaning the Cleavers, in this episode, do not live in this state).


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