
Test your knowledge with The “Baby Picture” Quiz (10 questions).

Here’s my first episode based quiz for this new website. I hope you enjoy it. It’s not always the easiest thing to come up with ten questions for one episode, but this one was a pretty easy quiz to create. I hope it is just as fun for you to take as it was for me to create it. Please post your results on the LITB Facebook group so I can see how you’ve done. Have fun!

Test your knowledge with The First Larry Mondello Quiz (10 questions).

There will be more Larry Mondello quizzes in the future. I hope you enjoy this one. I’ll also give you a hint for one strange question on the quiz… I’ve just an almost 500 page book on Leave it to Beaver titled, The World Famous Beaverpedia. That’s your hint. So, I think you’ll at least get one answer correct 🙂 Please post your results on the LITB Facebook group so I can see how you’ve done.

Test your knowledge with The Pamela Beaird Hensley Quiz (10 questions).

Okay, ready to tackle this quiz? It’s quite difficult if you haven’t heard the interview Bryon Nelson Jr. did with her or if you do not own The World Famous Beaverpedia. Pamela Beaird has led a very exciting life and her interview should be heard or her bio read. Her biography in The World Famous Beaverpedia is the longest in the book, just a little longer than the bio of Jerry Mathers.

Test your knowledge with The Mary Ellen Rogers Quiz (10 questions).

Mary Ellen only appeared in five episodes of Leave it to Beaver. However, her character was mentioned in many episodes in which she did not appear. If you’re a big Mary Ellen Rogers fan, you may be able to answer the most difficult questions in this quiz. But don’t feel bad if you don’t score too high, this is one of the hardest quizzes on the website.

Test your knowledge with Where is Mayfield Quiz (10 questions).

This is my first attempt at a quiz like this one. Usually, the quizzes here are about an episode, a character or an actor. This quiz concerns the location of a fictional city and is a hotly debated topic by some fans, maybe even you. There are two sides to this debate. One side says it is a totally fictional city and could be anywhere USA and the other side says it is modeled after a real town. Whichever camp you belong to, try your hand at this fun quiz.

Test your knowledge with the Leave it to Beaver Gilbert Quiz (10 questions).

While there are some difficult questions in this quiz, if you’re a really big fan of Beaver’s friend Gilbert, you should do fine. Actor Stephen Talbot gave some excellent performances in the many episodes in which he appeared. The show wouldn’t have been the same without him.

Test your knowledge with The Leave it to Beaver Food Quiz (10 questions)

This quiz is a middle of the road rated quiz. Some questions are difficult and a few are relatively easy. There will be easier quizzes and much more difficult quizzes here in the future. I hope you enjoy taking the Leave it to Beaver Food Quiz.

The World Famous Beaverpedia is almost here! Don’t forget to
sign up for the book release announcement! When you sign up, you’ll also be eligible to win free Leave it to Beaver prizes. Those will be given away after every 100th sale on Amazon of The World Famous Beaverpedia.

Get book details here

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