Leave it to Beaver Quiz – Eddie Spends the Night

Eddie Spends the Night Leave it to Beaver Quiz

This Leave it to Beaver quiz is for everybody who has been asking for another one. After finally finishing what some are calling the best Leave it to Beaver book ever, “The World Famous Bevaerpedia,” I now have time to create more quizzes. I hope you enjoy this Eddie Haskell related quiz. If you haven’t seen this season four episode, “Eddie Spends the Night,” in quite a while, you may find this Leave it to Beaver quiz to be difficult. Please share your score in your favorite Leave it to Beaver Facebook group so I can publicly give you a congrats or publicly lament with you if your score is lower than what you hoped it would be 🙂

Thanks for visiting the official website for “The World Famous Beaverpedia” and for taking this fun quiz.

But, before you begin this quiz… please check out what one actress from Leave it to Beaver says is “the best book ever written on Leave it to Beaver…” It’s nearly 500 pages and in addition to including everything you ever thought you’d want to know about the show, it also includes biographies of every actor to ever appear in its 234 episodes. You can see it by clicking here.



Thank you for taking the Leave it to Beaver “Eddie Spends the Night” Quiz. I told you it was difficult, but you did swell.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

Thank you for taking the Leave it to Beaver “Eddie Spends the Night” Quiz. I told you it was difficult.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

#1. In “Eddie Spends the Night,” which communist leader does Eddie say he feels Ward would rather see at the door when he knocks on it?

#2. In this episode, was the street wet or dry when Ward pulled into the driveway after a hard day at work?

#3. How did Ward respond when Wally asked him if Eddie could spend the night?

#4. Eddie insults Beaver by asking him…”Did anybody ever tell you that you look like __________?

#5. What did Eddie do for Beaver during supper?

#6. When Eddie and Wally were playing chess, which of them had the white chess pieces?

#7. Wally goes to Eddie’s house and rings the doorbell, but Eddie doesn’t want to talk to him and calls Wally a “miserable _________.”

#8. Eddie’s parents were out of town when he stayed the night at the Cleavers. What town were they visiting?

#9. Eddie shows a tender side of himself to Beaver near the end of the episode. Thirty minutes later Eddie does what to Beaver?

#10. How many times does Wally say he has spent the night at Eddie’s house? (Wally’s exact words)


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