Beaver’s Crush – A Leave it to Beaver Quiz

Are you ready for another Leave it to Beaver quiz? Well, here you go.

But, before you begin this quiz… please check out what one actress from Leave it to Beaver says is “the best book ever written on Leave it to Beaver…” It’s nearly 500 pages and in addition to including everything you ever thought you’d want to know about the show, it also includes biographies of every actor to ever appear in its 234 episodes. You can see it by clicking here.

Who did you have a crush on when you were in second grade? Do you even remember second grade? For me, I only have a few memories of second grade and one of them was a girl named Carolyn Cougar. Yep, that was her name. I remember we were all sitting on the floor in one of those new classrooms at Beacon Hills elementary school. There was an electrical outlet on the floor. She found a paperclip and handed it to me. “Put it in there.” She pointed to the outlet. I was pretty ignorant about electricity so I fulfilled her request. What second grader wouldn’t stick a metal paperclip into an electrical outlet for a girl on whom they had a crush? I bet Beaver would have done the same thing I did.

Beaver Cleaver’s crush was a little different than mine. He had a crush on a teacher. But he did put something where it didn’t belong. The entire episode is fun to watch. If you’ve watched it recently, you should score pretty well on this quiz. But it is kind of difficult, so don’t feel bad if you get a less than stellar score on this Leave it to Beaver quiz.



Thank you for taking the “Beaver’s Crush” Quiz. I told you it was difficult, but you did swell.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

What did Jerry think about the World Famous Beaverpedia?

“I had a chance to ask Theresa and Jerry how they liked the book and they said they REALLY ENJOYED IT!” – Alyssa (a Leave it to Beaver Fan Club member) who met Jerry at the Orlando Fan Boy Convention in 2023

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

Thank you for taking the “Beaver’s Crush” Quiz. I told you it was difficult.

I hope you would please take an opportunity to visit the Amazon listing for my new, almost 500 page book, The World Famous Beaverpedia. Please add it to your Amazon wish list, as that helps its ranking on Amazon.

“Brian has written the best Leave it to Beaver book ever. Fans, you will love it!” – Pamela Beaird Hensley (Mary Ellen Rogers)

#1. in “Beaver’s Crush,” Beaver had intense feelings for ….

#2. Judy asks Beaver if the teacher made Beaver bring her _________ from the cafeteria.

#3. What three “friends” pressure Beaver to place a snake in Miss Canfield’s desk?

#4. Wally says to Ward that the only thing there is to school is whether …

#5. What did the Cleavers have for dessert for supper on that day when Beaver placed the snake in his teacher’s desk?

#6. Ward Cleaver snuck out at night when he was a kid. According to him, which one of the following things did he do when he snuck out at night?

#7. Beaver does what to prevent Miss Canfield from opening her desk drawer?

#8. According to Miss Canfield, how long has she been teaching 2nd grade?

#9. Why does Beaver say he prefers Miss Canfield over little girls?

#10. Wally tells Beaver about a crush he had on a woman up at the lake where they vacationed one summer. What was her name?


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